A new day for victims of abuse in Maryland

The Child Victims Act of 2023 has been passed in Maryland, allowing survivors of childhood sexual abuse to file retroactive lawsuits, even if the existing statue of limitations on the claim has expired. The Child Victims Act of 2023 will also remove the statute of limitations for all future lawsuits based on childhood sexual abuse claims.

This Act was passed on the heels of the report released by the Maryland Attorney General, Anthony Brown alleging 156 Catholic clergy members and others abused at least 600 children over the course of more than six decades.

The report is hard for anyone to read. For victims of child sexual abuse, it opens up a floodgate of emotions. Some have locked this part of their life away deep inside. Inching along like a caterpillar, unable to metamorphose into a butterfly.

The caterpillar must become a pupa to transition. It is where the caterpillar makes big transitional changes inside of a cocoon. Growth happens rapidly in the cocoon and soon they will emerge as butterflies. But the cocoon is dark and lonely.

Those that choose to take a step into the cocoon to make the transition are not alone. The number of victims is estimated to exceed the 600 children. The Child Victims Act covers a broad scope of child sexual abuse. This includes those children abused in schools, at home, by babysitters, etc. While the numbers of children abused is staggering, there is strength in numbers.

Previously, victims had a finite time to bring a claim against their abuser(s). Many people have not had the chance to process their trauma or attempt the transition phase of their life before that time expired. The Child Victims Act of 2023 allows those victims in Maryland to transition and bring some closure on their time.